family doctor's office in Adlershof

Dr. Gilbert Büchner & Dr. Janin Neumann, specialists in General Medicine

As general practitioner in Köpenick - Treptow, I am your first point of contact in all health matters. This includes the basic care of physical and mental health disorders in the acute and long-term care as well as the disease prevention.The aim is an individual care according to the latest medical knowledge and medical guidelines. We are a kid-friendly doctor's office. English speaking patients are very welcome.


Your family doctors Gilbert Büchner and Janin Neuman and team.


office hours (appointment hour):

see main page

closing times:

see main page

Hausarztpraxis Adlershof

Albert-Einstein-Str. 2

12489 Berlin

Tel: (030) 63922391 (please call with mobile phone)

Fax: (030) 63922413

Hausarztpraxis Adlershof

im Gesundheitszentrum Adlershof

Albert-Einstein-Str. 2

12489 Berlin

Tel: (030) 63922391 (bitte mit einem Handy anrufen)

Fax: (030) 63922413

Hier finden Sie uns / Where you can find us

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S-Bahn: Linie S 8, S 9, S 45, S 46, S 85 bis S-Bahnhof Berlin-Adlershof, von dort 600m Fußweg

Tram: Linie 60, 61 and 63, Station Walther-Nernst-Str., von dort 400 m Fußweg

Bus: Line 260: bis Albert-Einstein-Str.; Linie 162 und 164: bis Walther-Nernst-Str.; Linie 163: bis S-Bahnhof Berlin-Adlershof

Parkplätze finden Sie in den umgebenden Straßen oder im EUROPA-CENTER Parkhaus in der Albert-Einstein-Straße 1, 12489 Berlin